Dill Bouquet


You know when you brush against a big bouquet of dill at the grocery store in the middle of summer? That fragrance! Well it’s even better when you smell it in the garden. And even BETTER when you grow a lot of it and you can have big voluptuous bouquets of it in the kitchen. Heavenly!
Beware though, this bolts fairly quickly, but then it flowers, drawing many beneficial insects and producing seed for pickling, etc. So to have leaves for all of this bounty, plant every couple of weeks during the summer

Start indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost. Harden off by placing outside and reduce water 2-3 days before planting out after last frost. Direct sow outside after danger of hard freeze has passed. Start every 2–3 weeks at the beginning of the season for continued harvest.

Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2”
Soil Temp. Germ.: 60-75˚F
Days to Germ.: 10-14
Plant Spacing: 10”
Days To Maturity: 70
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained

200 seeds

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You know when you brush against a big bouquet of dill at the grocery store in the middle of summer? That fragrance! Well it’s even better when you smell it in the garden. And even BETTER when you grow a lot of it and you can have big voluptuous bouquets of it in the kitchen. Heavenly!
Beware though, this bolts fairly quickly, but then it flowers, drawing many beneficial insects and producing seed for pickling, etc. So to have leaves for all of this bounty, plant every couple of weeks during the summer

Start indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost. Harden off by placing outside and reduce water 2-3 days before planting out after last frost. Direct sow outside after danger of hard freeze has passed. Start every 2–3 weeks at the beginning of the season for continued harvest.

Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2”
Soil Temp. Germ.: 60-75˚F
Days to Germ.: 10-14
Plant Spacing: 10”
Days To Maturity: 70
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained

200 seeds

You know when you brush against a big bouquet of dill at the grocery store in the middle of summer? That fragrance! Well it’s even better when you smell it in the garden. And even BETTER when you grow a lot of it and you can have big voluptuous bouquets of it in the kitchen. Heavenly!
Beware though, this bolts fairly quickly, but then it flowers, drawing many beneficial insects and producing seed for pickling, etc. So to have leaves for all of this bounty, plant every couple of weeks during the summer

Start indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost. Harden off by placing outside and reduce water 2-3 days before planting out after last frost. Direct sow outside after danger of hard freeze has passed. Start every 2–3 weeks at the beginning of the season for continued harvest.

Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2”
Soil Temp. Germ.: 60-75˚F
Days to Germ.: 10-14
Plant Spacing: 10”
Days To Maturity: 70
Full Sun, Moist Well Drained

200 seeds